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Organic SEO SEM Glossary

Organic SEO SEM

Organic SEO SEM practices and promotes the usage of organic search engine optimization and ethical internet search engine marketing techniques and strategies. We believe that education, knowledge and integrity are key components in operating a quality business as well as quality websites. This glossary of informative verbage definitions is part of our attempt to provide informed and upfront services for our clients and friends in natural SEO development.

Organic SEO SEM is pleased to present the glossary of terms related to business and website marketing and search engine optimization. This is a combined resource for terminology in the following areas:


Glossary of Business Terminology

Glossary of Real Estate (our specialty) and Mortgage Verbage

Glossary of Traditional Marketing Terms

Glossary of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Concepts and Terminology

Glossary of Cryptography Terms

Glossary of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Terminology


We hope that you find this information beneficial.


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Contextual Advertising

PPC listings that appear on websites other than search engines. These listings are generally matched to the content of individual webpages through an automated matching algorithm.

Contingency Plan

A plan for emergency response, backup operations, and post-disaster recovery maintained as part of a security program to ensure the availability of critical resources and facilitate the continuity of operations in an emergency situation.

Contract Deed

A type of installment sale of property, the actual ownership of the property does not transfer until certain conditions are satisfied.

Controversial Marketing

Questionable marketing tactics including FFA, Spam, E-mail spam, Ad Blocking, Cookies, Mousetrapping, Opt Out, Pagejacking, Trick Banners and Search Engine Spam.

Conventional Loan

The most common type of first mortgage for consumers with good credit and a five to twenty percent downpayment.� These loans are underwritten through common guidelines set forth by Fannie Mae (the Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.)�

Conversion Clause

A provision in an Adjustable Rate Mortgage which allows the conversion of the loan into a fixed rate mortgage. It usually applies after the first adjustment point and may cost a premium to have this clause.

Conversion Funnel

The desired conversion path defined by a marketer or website owner. It is generally a linear sequence of events leading directly from website entrance to conversion. It is described as a funnel because a number of users leave at various points on the path leaving fewer participants at the end than in the beginning. The others are funneled into the completed transaction stage.

Conversion Offline

A completed transaction accomplished by leaving the website and performed an off-site action, such as ordering via telephone or visiting a physical location.

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Organic SEO SEM Business, Cryptography,
Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Traditional Marketing Glossary.

An informative reference directory of acronyms, key definitions and Internet abbreviation words.




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