Conversion Online
A completed transaction accomplished by taking steps while still on the website, such as an online purchase, downloads or specific page views.
Conversion Optimization
Designing a website to logically lead a customer through the sales cycle including conversion.
Conversion Path
The webpages that a visitor passes through, beginning with website entry and conversion completion.
Conversion Rate
The ratio of visitors taking an action deemed to be a conversion, such as a sale or a request for information, against total visitors.
Converting Search Phrase
A phrase that moves a visitor from being traffic to becoming a customer.
Convolutional Code
An extension of the block code concept, allowing memory to exist from block to block. Each encoded symbol is a linear combination of information symbols in the current block and in a selected number of preceding blocks.
Pieces of information generated by a server embedded in HTML allowing data transfer between the server and the user's computer.
Text found on a webpage.
A form of protection granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression.
Creative process where content is developed for advertisements, webpages or marketing.
Cost Leadership
Strategy of producing products at a lower cost than competitors.
Cost per Click
Payment due when a user clicks on a link.
Cost per Lead
Payment due when visitors submit information and become a potential customer.
The percentage of a population demographic covered by the internet.
Covert Channel
A hidden communication medium.
Covert Action
An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. A covert operation differs from a clandestine operation in that emphasis is placed on concealment of identity of sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation.
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