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Words of Wisdom


Winston Churchill

(1874 – 1965)

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Winston Churchill

" Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential. "



Did you know...

  • Winston Churchill was, until 1937, a supporter of Italy's fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
  • Winston Churchill was an officer in the British Army.
  • Winston Churchill was distant from both his mother and his father. Later in life he and his wife were both distant with their five children.
  • Winston Churchill won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.
  • Winston Churchill lost all faith in Christianity and particularly disliked the Roman Catholic Church and Christian missionaries.
  • Winston Churchill was Minister of Munitions for a time before the First World War.
  • Winston Churchill was the school's fencing champion at the Harros School, where he began his military career.
  • Winston Churchill had a speech impediment, described as lisping or stammering.



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