" The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. "
Did you know...
- Mahatma Gandhi was a Hindu and practiced Hinduism all of his life.
- Mahatma Gandhi was a great writer who also edited several newspapers in three languages for many years.
- Mahatma Gandhi had five children. The youngest child died as an infant.
- In 1906 Mahatma Gandhi defied a law requiring registration of the Indian people. His non-violent resistence resulted in his jailing for failure to register.
- Mahatma Gandhi led a boycott of foreign goods, especially British goods upon being given executive authority on behalf of the Indian National Congress in 1921.
- Mahatma Gandhi often experimented on himself in his quest for finding truth. He always tried to learn from his experiences and from his mistakes.
- Mahatma Gandhi lead a Salt March in 1930 which was one of his most successful efforts in upsetting British rule. Britain responded by imprisoning 60,000 people.
- The above Gandhi image is courtesy of www . Emory.edu/mfp/self-efficacy.html .